Friday, November 1, 2019


This is the best technique for some situations. This is mostly used alone. When the topics are easy the teacher can ask the students to prepare an essay on the topic and present it to the class. The topics may be assigned for all the students. The papers may be read in the class one after the
other. After the presentation the students can ask questions and raise doubts. The paper reader will answer these questions. The teacher will be the chairman or leader. The size of the class will be small containing a maximum of 20 to 25 students. The class teacher acts as a resource person too. In a typical seminar the strength may range from 6 to 25 and it usually has an appointed chairman and one or more resource persons. It is a common of discussion group and is ideally suited for the study and analysis of difficult problems over a period of time. The group increases in its effectiveness when members become acquainted with each other, and not to feel threatened by each other and are willing to express ideas frankly.
A seminar is a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for
recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is
requested to actively participate. This is often accomplished through an ongoing Socratic dialogue with a seminar leader or instructor, or through a more formal presentation of research. It is essentially a place where assigned readings are discussed, questions can be raised and debates can be conducted. Student seminars are the open presentations done by the students before their peers and teachers. The word seminar is derived from the Latin word seminarium, meaning “seed plot”
Some Tips for Seminar Preparation
Choose a Good topic: Choose a topic which will sustain your interest and will allow you to exhibit enthusiasm during your presentation
Keep your Audience in Mind: The primary objective in giving a talk should be a communicate an interesting idea to students who attend the seminar. This means that the talk should be delivered in a way that students in attendance understand what you are saying, so be mindful of their background.
Tell a story/ anecdote: Begin with solid motivation for your problem and plenty of illuminating examples. Only after your audience understands what your topic is and why they should care about it should you spend time working carefully through the relevant science.
Keep timing in mind: Choose a topic that you can motivate and explicate comfortably in this window of time.
Scoring Indicators for Evaluation of Seminar
1. Ability to Collect Data: Sufficient, Relevant, Accuracy of facts
2. Ability to Prepare Seminar Paper: Introduction, Content Organization, Conclusion
3. Presentation: Communication, Competence, Fluency, Spontaneity
4. Understanding the Subject: Involvement in the Discussion, Responding suitably, Capacity to handle differences of opinion
1. Students develop the habit of reading more books.
2. They develop the ability to collect relevant information from different sources.
3. They are able to remove shyness and contribute something in the class.
4. They develop a high degree of participation.
5. They are able to face the students and answer the questions boldly.
1. It requires more time, more space and more personnel.
2. Sometimes only a few students will participate in seminar.
3. Unless the chairman is skilful, the seminar easily degenerates into a question and answer session or a lecture.

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