Friday, November 1, 2019


Role playing can be defined as an attempt to make a situation clear or to solve a problem by uncharged dramatization. Role playing method is based on the imitation of a role. This method is very helpful in bringing out changes in the personalities of students including developing their social skills. It can be used for various purposes. It can also be used to teach some simple topics to younger children, e.g., solar system, balanced diet. Here the learners acts out a problem in a completely spontaneous manner & through this explore the problems by enacting problem situations. Role playing is dealing with problem through actions. It is teaching techniques & is based on the idea that acting out a role will help or enable a student to get an indepth view of a problem that cannot be understood merely by reading a book or listening a lecture. A role is patterned sequence of feelings , words & actions.
Purposes of role playing
·         To motivate or launch units
·         To culminate units
·         To make clear historical or contemporary situations in which there are conflicting emotions, different points of view, biases, problems caused by differences in race, age, religion, nationality or ethnic background, & so on.
·         To change attitudes
·         To teach values
·         To  teach content having to do with human relationships
·         To develop citizenship skills by showing both the successful & unsuccessful methods we use to solve inter group & interpersonal problems, by providing practice in taking real life roles, & by practicing the democratic process.
Conducting role playing
1.    Preparation
o   Preparing for role playing – select significant issues & brief the problem to be faced.
o   Selecting the players – as far as possible select players who can identify with the roles. Select several casts & limit each cast to two to five players.
o   Preparing the audience – be sure that the no audience knows the situation & brief them how to behave.
o   Preparing the players – allow pupils plenty of time to prepare. Be sure each players knows what he is going to do. Set the stage.
2.    Playing of the roles
o   Keep the role playing short.
o    Let the pupils play it out.
o   Do not evaluate the acting language.
o   Do not allow audience to interrupt.
3.    Following up the enactment
o   Discussion – discussion should analyse the interpretations, solutions, reactions & so on. Try to evaluate what has been learned in the discussion you may have to do some probing.
o   Re-enactment – it is wise to follow up a role playing with a second or third role playing of the problem or situation.
·         Develop deep understanding regarding various process or phenomena in science.
·         Developing problem solving skills & attitudes.
·         Explore subject matter in varied ways.
·         Develop interpersonal communication skill.
·         Pupils who are not well prepared for role playing may not take it seriously.
·         Role playing will not work unless the atmosphere in the class room is supportive.
·         Pupils find it difficult to enter the roles properly; especially they are not well briefed on the assignments.
·         Role playing is time consuming.  

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