Tuesday, October 4, 2016

KCF 2007

       NCF 2005 and the position papers provided ground for introspection and formulation of the Kerala curriculum frame work 2007.  The curriculum reform was based on the vision of education as a social process. The methodology outlined by the curriculum stresses on activity based process oriented learning. It also stresses on enquiry based learning and liberal democratic learner- friendly approach that leads to the overall development of the learner. 
The aims of education in our society can be stated as:
·         Social justice
·         The education system that is envisaged should be capable of promoting a social order based on equality and justice.
·         Awareness on environment
·         We need to develop an attitude in our learners to see meaning in all developmental activities in tune with the environment.
·         Citizenship
·         There is a need for empowering each child to grow up and develop as a responsible citizen of the society.
·         Nationalism
·         Creating a generation upholding nationalism rooted in a Universal vision.
·         Awareness of one’s rights
·         Education needs to actualize the rights ensured in our constitution and also the rights enumerated in UN conventions on children’s rights, women’s rights.
·         Awareness of Science and Technology
·         All learners should get opportunity to acquire current developments in the fields of science and technology and apply the same in real life situations.
·         Scientific temper
·         There is a need to differentiate between science and pseudo science. Education should play a key role in freeing the society from superstitions and prejudices and should propagate the need for a scientific outlook the need for a scientific outlook in life.
·         Cultural identity
·         Regional and traditional forms of knowledge can be utilized for the development of the society.
·         Vocational skills
·         Education should focus on the development of a positive attitude to labour and inculcate in all children the ability to work.
·         Democratic values
·         Education should help the learner in imbibing democratic values.
·         Resistance
·         Strength to resist all sorts of invasions and desirable tendencies triggered by globalization.
·         Construction of knowledge
·         The process of education must develop in learners, the ability to construct knowledge through interaction and sharing.
·         Critical education
·         The education should have the space for learners to engage in critical dialogue. The educational system should prepare the learners to shift from the position of passive listeners to active constructors of knowledge.
Learning Science
        While handling over the wealth of science to the next generation, it is important that the following ideas are considered.
·         The process oriented method of learning helps the learner construct new forms of knowledge.
·         Concepts and ideas in science that the learner constructs should have linkage with real life situations.
·         Considering the nature of content, science is organized in terms physics, chemistry and biology.
·         The prevailing dichotomy of theory and practices needs to be replaced by creating opportunity to form theory based on practical experience.
·         The study of science in a competitive society should enable the learner to realize his/her identity.
·         Science education should aim at equipping the learner against the misuse of science.
Aim of science education as in KCF 2007
o   Development of scientific temperament and its application in daily life
o   Engagement in scientific methods like observation, experimentation, data collection, interpretation of data, analysis, theorising, examining for construction of knowledge
o   Nurturing the ability to examine scientifically the problems of daily life as well as social issues and seeking logical solutions
o   Recognising and developing one’s own interests and abilities in technical and vocational fields
o   Encouraging the development of logical thinking
o   Imbibing a humanistic outlook and developing a world view based on it               
o   Recognizing the importance of understanding historical   development of ideas.
o   Nurturing lateral thinking ability for enabling the learners to look at   things from different perspectives and to seek new solutions
o   Developing scientific literacy that provides for building awareness of scientific process
The importance of scientific enquiry as given in KCF 2007
           The pivot of science education should be the development of the spirit of scientific enquiry. With the help of science education, all learners should acquire. skills like investigating, planning and execution of experimental study and identification of the tools and equipment to be used and data collection.
Learning methodology as given in KCF 2007
          Science education should be an active learning process. There can be three methods for Science Learning:
·        Individual learning: Every student fixes a specific aim and works towards the achievement of it.
·        Competitive learning: Students compete with each other and learn.
·        Co-operative learning: Students co-operate and work towards the achievement of a common goal.
The relevance of the history of science
This is necessary for the student to understand how science works, and for the recognition that the present advanced state of science and technology is the accumulated result of the work of many scientists over the centuries.                                 
Relevance of laboratory as given in KCF 2007
A well-equipped laboratory is an indispensable factor at the lower level to make science education effective. Providing the learner the opportunity to do the experiments instead of the teacher doing all experiments for the learners.
 A comprehensive and continues evaluation is the practice of evaluation we put forward for the entire subject. The traditional method of class test is not sufficient to evaluate a child. All the abilities of the child should be subjected to evaluation.
Issue domains that are felt throughout the state
• Lack of scientific land water management
• Issues related to agriculture
• Lack of cohesive universal vision
• Lack of human resource development
• Lack of cultural consciousness
• Lack of eco-friendly industrialization and urbanization
• The issues of the marginalized
• Issues related to health and public health

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