Friday, January 15, 2016

KCF 2007 - Note

KCF 2007

           After the formation of NCERT in 1961, Kerala has been following all the curriculum reform efforts initiated at the national level. For instance, the state initiated the process for reforming its curriculum following the national curriculum framework 1975. The state also took steps to implement NPE 1986 and the programme of action. It was in 1997, that an effort for the formulation of a comprehensive curriculum focusing on the process of teaching and learning was attempted in Kerala. Rooted in the emerging methodology and strategies, an integrated method of learning, a process oriented activity based approach, viewing learner as a constructer of knowledge, recognizing the role of society in knowledge construction and idea of continues and comprehensive evaluation came into effect. However the state’s curriculum reform effort gained further impetus with the formulation of NCF 2005. NCF 2005 and the position papers provided ground for introspection and formulation of the Kerala curriculum frame work 2007.
·        The education system that is envisaged should be capable of promoting a social order based on the equality and justice.
·        To develop a sense in preserving all available resources in nature and to utilize them judiciously.
·        To develop each child as a responsible citizen of the society.
·        Creating a generation upholding nationalism and capturing the meaning of unity in diversity.
·        To create an awareness on once on right and right of others in children
Aim of science education as in KCF 2007
         By the time the learner of today gets involved in the process of production in the society, the nature and the needs of the society would have changed considerably. Besides, the changes occur at a rapid pace and Science and Technology would continue to occupy a central position in becoming the inspiration behind such changes.
Thus, the aims of science education include
o   Development of scientific temperament and its application in daily life
o   Engagement in scientific methods like observation, experimentation, data collection, interpretation of data, analysis, theorising, examining for construction of knowledge
o   Nurturing the ability to examine scientifically the problems of daily life as well as social issues and seeking logical solutions
o   Recognising and developing one’s own interests and abilities in technical and vocational fields
o   Encouraging the development of logical thinking
o   Imbibing a humanistic outlook and developing a world view based on it               
o   Recognizing the importance of understanding historical   development of ideas.
o   Nurturing lateral thinking ability for enabling the learners to look at   things from different perspectives and to seek new solutions
o   Developing scientific literacy that provides for building awareness of scientific process
The importance of scientific enquiry as given in KCF 2007
           The pivot of science education should be the development of the spirit of scientific enquiry. With the help of science education, all learners should acquire. skills like investigating, planning and execution of experimental study and identification of the tools and equipment to be used and data collection. There should be a spirit of enquiry in the learners to understand the research methodology of scientists and construct new forms of knowledge
Learning methodology as given in KCF 2007
           When there is a change in the attitude towards the skills that are to be inculcated in science education, there will be a change in the learning methodology as well. Science learning is something that students do, not something that is done to them. Science education should be an active learning process.
·        Individual learning: Every student fixes a specific aim and works towards the achievement of it.
·        Competitive learning: Students complete with each other and learn.
·        Co-operative learning: Students co-operate and work towards the achievement of a common goal.
The nature of science and science education as given in KCF 2007
          By interacting with the society, a child develops a variety of notions about the nature of science. The supremacy of science and the perfection of scientific theories form a part of this. The personal experience of the learner through suitable learning activities provides him/her proper awareness on this. A mere learning of scientific ideas and theories will not enable the learner to understand the nature of science. Acquisition of scientific ideas will not, by themselves, develop a scientific perspective. Experiences that facilitate this should be provided to the learner right from the beginning of his/her schooling.
                                               At the beginning stage, the student should go through concrete experiences that help him/her get acquainted with various aspects of nature. This does not mean that the curriculum should avoid abstract ideas. A learner who goes through a proper learning experience would gradually gain processing skills and the ability to internalize abstract ideas. A learner who possesses the spirit of enquiry should be encouraged to discuss and share his/her findings with the peer group. This will enable the learner to internalize the concrete experiences and to assimilate the abstract
The relevance of the history of science
                It is not suggested that the learner should find out everything for himself/herself or that he/she should find answers to all questions. Depending on the learner's age, nature, the specific subject taught, other methods may have to be used. At some points, a historical method may have to be used. This is also essential to inculcate a scientific temperament. This is one field that is not sufficiently considered in present-day textbooks. This is necessary for the student to understand how science works, and for the recognition that the present advanced state of science and technology is the accumulated result of the work of many scientists over the centuries.                     
                             However, we must be conscious of the fact that when studying about the revolutionary contributions of some of the extraordinarily brilliant scientists (the contributions might have arisen from their intellectual brilliance, from the opportunities they came across, or even accidentally) the learner may come to the conclusion that science is a field of endeavor meant only for the extraordinarily brilliant. Learners must be made to understand that there are several others who are actively engaged in scientific enquiry around the world. They should believe that activity in science is meant for everyone.

Relevance of laboratory as given in KCF 2007

A well-equipped laboratory is not a an indispensable factor at the lower level to make science education effective. For the effective use of laboratories teachers need to think of.
·        Keeping the laboratory clean.
·        Classifying and labeling every piece of equipments.
·        Ensuring freedom and opportunity to all  teachers to handle the equipments in the laboratory.
·        Providing opportunities for all the learners to handle all the equipments and articles in the laboratory.
·        Ensuring safety measures in handling the equipments.
·        Providing the learner the opportunity to do the experiments instead of the teacher doing all experiments for the learners.
                 A comprehensive and continues evaluation is the practice of evaluation we put forward for all the subject. The traditional method of class test is not sufficient to evaluate a child. All the abilities of the child should be subjected to evaluation.

1 comment:

  1. Sir can you please change the background colour to a lite one..



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